Educational Resources on the Ancient Mediterranean World

©Jean-Bernard Forgit - Atelier de l’image - City of Saintes, France

Gallo-roman stele
©Musee Georges-Garret.

Museums and archaeological sites
in France

You'll find here an directory of french cities and an interactive map of the French "departments" (areas), introducing for each of them the museums which have an archaeological collection or section, and the archaeological sites you may visit.

The interactive map is currently available only in french language. Click on the british flag to go back to this page.

As for museums and sites outside of France, we listed in the "Ancient Worlds" sections those which may be seen in the Mediterranean Greek, Egyptian, Phoenician and Etruscan areas, but also all around the world. Indeed, many large cities around the world own fabulous archaeological collections, and even smaller cities hold also astonishing treasures...

The Venus de Detrier INV.899.143.
©Art and historical museums of Chambery, France.

Glass aryballos
Inv. Museum of Melun, France : 967.201

©F. Magnoux
Coll. Museum of Gueret, France

Lares figurine,
©Archaeological museum of Strasbourg, France, photo A. Plisson.