Dr. Bron Lipkin
A Collector for nearly 40 years, he became an antique dealer and member of the ADA (Antiquities Dealers Association). He is the author of our “advice to beginners” pages (section “archives”, “some collectibles”).
Innovaxiom SAS
Many thanks for the nice podcasts!
Also many thanks to Hélène Crochemore, illustratrice,
who made for us all drawings on this site!
CGB is not only a great numismatic gallery: it also publishes books, the Bulletin Numismatique, and actively supports associations. Its site is a "must". With its permission, we reproduced the pictures of coins and the interesting notes related to them. Many thanks especially to their author, Laurent Schmitt.
Mysterious Etruscans!
This site is one of the richest about Etruscan civilization: we are currently cooperating, translating its pages in French ... in exchange, its (Australian) webmaster corrects our English pages, and provided us with various documents.
Museum of Ancient Greek Technology
This museum and the Museum of Ancient Greek musical instruments and toys are located in Katakolon (Greece), on the western shore of Peloponnese near Olympia. We translated their full catalogue into French.
Galerie K e r a m i o N
The Keramion gallery (which unfortunately doesn't existe any more) drafted the text of many pages, especially on the shape of vases and the history of techniques used in ceramics. Inactive since 2021
| Webmasters have a great need for pictures to illustrate their pages ... When their personal photos are not enough, what can they do? We were lucky to obtain from the following three sites the authorization to pick up some from their extensive collection: a very precious assistance !
Les Amis de l'Égypte Ancienne
This association was founded in 1993 and helps discovering ancient Egyptian civilization through lectures, a media library, hieroglyph reading lessons, visits of museums and exhibitions. It displays also a very large number of photographs of archaeological sites and museums.
Photos Egypte (former "Une promenade en Egypte")
Alain Guilleux displays a wide selection of photographs of Egypt, of very high quality. A must !
Galen R. Frysinger
A great traveler, now retired, this scientist of Sheboygan, USA visited 174 countries and 91 different territories, and displays on the web hundreds of his photographs.
Michel Ragaud
Author of the website "Monuments Historiques et Préhistoriques", with pictures you couldn't find elsewhere! Many thanks
Geneviève Hoffmann
Former classics Teacher at Sierck-les-Bains (Moselle, France), Geneviève Hoffmann sent us additional information and pictures of roman places of interest, which helped us to make of the "Moselle" museums page the most illustrated one of our website! Thank you!