The ancient worlds:  

Maps of the Antique
Mediterranean Sea



     Magna Graecia


     Some dates
     Archaeological sites
     Pottery and ceramics


1000 B.C.: Campania is inhabited by Opiques, Ausones, Aurunces, etc

750-740 B.C.
: arrival of greek colonists, foundation of Cumes, Parthenope, etc

Ca 650 B.C.
: expansion of the Etruscans, which occupy most of the Campania and found Capua.

Ca 600 B.C.
: foundation of the greek colony of Poseidonia (city dedicated to Poseidon). The city will be occupied in 400 B.C by Lucanians, then becomes a Roman colony in 273 B.C under the name of Paestum.

Ca 509-506 B.C.
: Latin free themselves from the Etruscans: the Etruscan cities of Campania, isolated from Etruria, weaken and are definitively lost in 423 B.C with the conquest of Capua by Samnites.

500-475 B.C.
: The cities grow. Parthenope becomes Neapolis (the new city), Cumes being now the old city (Palaiopolis).

424 B.C.
: Samnites attack the campanian cities.

404 B.C.
: Athens is defeated and decline. The exportation of pottery decreases, opening the door to the competition of the workshops from Magna Graecia..

Between 343 and 304 B.C.
: Rome gets rid of the Samnites in Campania, after two wars.

337 B.C.
: the Romans settle in Cales, the old capital of the Aurunces which will be definitively beaten in 313 B.C.

292 B.C.
: the Romans occupy all Campania.