The ancient worlds:  

Maps of the Antique
Mediterranean Sea

     The Romans
    Some dates
    Archaeological sites
    Roman art
    Language and Writing

     Roman Gaul
    Archaeological sites


753 B.C.: Legendary date of the foundation of Rome.

616-509 B.C.: Domination of the Etruscan kings.

509 B.C.: Beginning of the Roman Republic after the ousting of the last Etruscan king, Tarquin the Superb.

390 B.C.: Gallic invasion…

366 B.C.: The institutions set up themselves: the plebs reaches the consulate.

343-291 B.C.: Samnite wars.

340-338 B.C.: War and dissolution of the Latin league.

281-272 B.C.: War against Pyrrhus.

272 B.C.: The war leads to fall of Tarentu, which marks the beginning of the hellenistic influence.

265 B.C.: Rome subjects Etrurie and thus dominates the Italian peninsula.

264-241 B.C.: First Punic War. Sicily becomes thus the first Roman province.

231 B.C.: Sardinia and Corsica become Roman provinces.

218-201 B.C.: Second Punic War, Hannibal’s defeat.

200-188 B.C.: Rome turns toward the east.

197 B.C.: Roman victory of Flamininus against Philippe V of Makedonia at Cynocephales.

196 B.C.: Flaminius proclaims the freedom of Greece.

148-146 B.C.: Third Punic War, which ends with the destruction of Carthage. Macedonia becomes a province.

83-82 B.C.: The political competition turn to the civil war.

82-79 B.C.: Dictatorship of Sylla.

73-71 B.C.: Revolt of Spartacus.

60 B.C.: Julius Caesar forms a triumvirate with Pompee and Crassus.

58-50 B.C.: War of Gaules.

49 B.C.: Julius Caesar seizes the power.

44 B.C.: Julius Caesar is assassinated. A new civil war begins

31 B.C.: Battle of Actium - Octave remains the only master and occupies Egypt.

27 B.C.: Octave becomes Augustus, first emperor of Rome.

17 B.C.: The Germanic area becomes imperial province.

51-63: War against Parthes.

70: Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus.

70-80: Construction of the Coliseum.

79: Eruption of the Vesuvio, destruction of Pompéi and Herculanum.

117: The Roman empire reaches his maximum extension.

250-304: Persecution against the Christians.

313: Constantin adopts Christianity.

330: Constantinople is declared capital of the Empire.

392: After having imposed Christianity as state religion, Theodosis Ist prohibits paganism.

395: When he dies, the empire is shared between his sons Honorius for the western Empire and Arcadius for the East.

410: Catch of Rome by Alaric, chief of Goths.

455: Plundering of Rome by the Vandal Genseric.

476: Fall of Romulus Augustule, last Roman Emperor, after the catch of Rome by Odoacre, king of Herules.