A passion for archaeology

It's still true: archaeology remains fascinating. From the mysteries of Egypt to the Trojan War, from the gladiators to the adventures of Phoenician sailors, so many images reappear. Sometimes, it's the memory of stories that parents or grandparents told us, the memory of holidays or of our enthusiastic first history teacher at college, legends of treasure hunts, of shipwrecks, trips in southern Europe...
Those who experenced this never loose their love for history: they become readers, faithful viewers of TV-documentaries, collectors... and despair when they believe that younger generations are not interested any more in History, Latin, Greek ...
 But sometimes it takes little to stimulate passion and open one's mind to this amazing world !
Well, let's do all this: tell the ancient legends, organize tours and travels...
A real emotional shock can occur when touching an ancient coin, a roman lamp. Let us not neglect this aspect: an ancient item can be the most beautiful gift - and still not more expensive than a video game ! So... let your passion grow, and share it !