Maps of the Antique Mediterranean Sea
Some dates
Archaeological sites
Pottery and ceramics
Magna Graecia

Neolithic : men occupy the site of the Acropolis (the primitive inhabitants of Greece are called Pelasges).
15-12th century B.C.: the Achaens (Mycenians) occupy Greece
ca 800 B.C.: Athens results from the union of villages having avoided the Dorian invasion
620-480 B.C. (archaïc period): large temples are built on the Acropolis. The victories of Marathon (491) and Salamina (480) against Persians mark the beginning of the classic period and the summit of Athens.
451-429: Pericles rules the city. Construction of the Parthenon, the Propylees, the temple of Athena Nike, the Erechthéion, etc.
431-404: the Peloponnesian War puts an end to the political supremacy of Athens.
338 B.C.: With the battle of Cheronee won by Philippe II, Athens enters the Macedonian empire.
323 B.C.: after Alexandre’s death, the city declines.
86 B.C.: the Romans occupy Athens which remains however a intellectual centre. At the beginning of our era, the city counts 300.000 inhabitants.
53: Saint Paul preaches christianity.
117-138: The emperor Hadrian, who is fond of greek culture, develops the city (Hadrian’s library, temple of Zeus, etc).
Durin the Byzantine Empire, Athens is just a small provincial town.
529: The philosophical schools are closed and transformed into private christian schools.
1204: During the 4th crusade, the crusaders plunder Constantinople and the French set up the duchy of Athens.
1458: the city falls under the power of the Ottomans.
1687: Athens is besieged by the Venetians, whose cannons shoot at the Parthenon. Since Turks used it as explosives magazine, it is badly damaged.
1821 : war of Independence. Athens is liberated from the Turkish occupation, but the Turks occupies again the town from 1827 to 1833.
1834: The almost uninhabited city is proclaimed capital of the new Kingdom of Greece.